Tonight’s service is cancelled due to the weather. Wednesday, January 30th Be safe and please pass it on
Tonight’s service is cancelled due to the weather. Wednesday, January 30th Be safe and please pass it on
Praying for the Nation
Thursday, January, 31st at 8pm. We will be streaming live from Rhema Bible Church a 1 hour prayer night. Come join us a we come together to pray for our nation.
Pastors Notes for Attitudes and Altitudes
Here the link to download Pastor’s notes for Attitudes and Altitudes. Click link to open. Right click then “Save as” or “Save link as” or “Save target as” to download to your computer. 01 13 2012 Attitudes and Altitudes for Long Term Success
Ladies Meeting Jan. 19th
Join us January 19th at 10am for a monthly Ladies Meeting. Sign up at the back counter in the sanctuary or email
Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 6pm
Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 6pm Hope to see you there!
INSiDEOUT Youth Christmas Party
INSiDEOUT Youth Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 16th from 6pm to 8:30pm at Philip’s Dad’s House. Bring a $5 wrapped gift. See Philip for Directions SEE YOU THERE!!!
Pray for the Nation Prayer
The Pray for the Nation Prayer that Pastor Debbie talked about is linked below. To save to your computer right click and “save as” or “save target as” PrayForNation.pdf